We do everything for you. Most entity formation companies will do some of what’s on the list below. You are then left to fend for yourself to do all the rest.
We will never do that to you. We will do everything on this list, including coaching you along the way.
Articles of Incorporation -Public Benefit Nonprofit
IRS EIN number
IRS Nonprofit 501c3 application
Registered Agent for Service
Franchise Tax Board Registration & Certification
CA Attorney General Registration & Certification
Statement of Information Filing
Bylaws Creation
Program – written
Program Budget created
Board Recruitment Assistance
Personalized nonprofit documents for contracts, meeting minutes, directors recruitment, non-disclosure agreements and terms & conditions.
Estimated time for completion varies.
We will begin filing your corporation documents immediately upon order confirmation and initial payment.
Estimated time frames are as follows:
– Articles of Incorporation – 5-7 business days
– EIN number – 1 day
– IRS 501c3 application – 90 to 120 days +/-
– Registered Agent Service – 1 day
– FTB Registration – 90+/- days
– Attorney General Registration – up to 90 days once submitted.
All of these processes builds on the previous one and must be completed in sequence.
We will keep you 100% informed as each step in the process is completed.
We will establish an LLC along with the nonprofit at no additional cost, if desired.
Your formation package includes 3 30-minute coaching sessions.
Payment Option 1:
$1,750 at time of order
$1,750 30 days after order
Payment Option 2:
$1,500 down at time of order
$500 30 days after initial payment
$500 60 days after initial payment
$500 90 days after initial payment
$500 120 days after initial payment